Cito my book on the subject of economy we did last night at Ludwig. Unfortunately I do not know the title nor the author of the book, the copy shop has "avoided" of photocopiers.
Defining DIFFERENTIATION : competitive and growth strategy implemented by companies, "centered on the allocation to the product or service factors (tangible or intangible) that increase the value recognized by the market than the one attached to the goods or services to competitors."
Later, there comes a paragraph of differentiation at the level of intangible components , defin as what "covers all elements that influence the perception the customer has the value of a product and its position relative to competitors. " The two key factors of this are:
- il marchio : "permette di sviluppare la reputazione del prodotto o di trasferire a suo vantaggio la reputazione di cui l'impresa gode sul mercato." [...] La reputazione "contribuisce fortemente a caratterizzare l'identità percepita dal consumatore".
- "i valori ideali ed esistenziali che il prodotto o l'impresa che lo propone al mercato rappresenta e intende diffondere": [...] "incorprando determinati valori, il prodotto allarga la sua funzione d'uso: oltre determinati bisogni concreti," è possibile soddisfare "l'esigenza del cliente di affermare la sua appartenenza a un certo sistema di idee e valori o addirittura di favorirne la diffusione".
Considering that on the same book lists the most cunning strategies to curb the growth of competitors ("entry barriers") to steal customers with established companies, etc., then it makes sense to speak of ideals and values \u200b\u200bof existence?
Ammo companies do not just make money but to bring a moral? That is why if you
Fiat to produce a publication I mention the Pope or Falcon or whoever you want, I'll give you a hypocrite, because you dorvesti just list the qualities of your car so that I may decide to buy them. It is enough. You do not have to pay me a position to give lessons in morality, because logically, as a business, you're only interested in Fiat money.
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