Monday, December 24, 2007

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Here's what the Nobel laureate Kary Mullis thinks astrology

Ecco cosa pensa un premio Nobel con una mentalità aperta, dell'Astrologia. Il suo nome Kary Mullis is and 1983, he invented a process that appointed PCR has solved a crucial problem in genetics: how to make copies of DNA to which you are interested. Here's his opinion astrology:

"... We see ourselves as modern people, intelligent and sophisticated. Psychologists and sociologists think that astrology is nonsense. Academic departments that deal with human behavior, consider a Recreation counterproductive without any utilities. It is not that they have never heard of, good sense that all the newspapers of the world have a book of horoscopes and that millions of people follow it. The reason we do not address is they would feel embarrassed over their colleagues. The social sciences have no concrete evidence to exclude a link between human behavior and the positions of planets at the time of birth. But social scientists have the arrogance to simply assume that the folk traditions, such as astrology, stuff to be gullible. Over the past two centuries psychologists have ignored astrology, not even to do some simple experiment to test the principles.

Many are mistakenly convinced that this is a topic unrelated to the science and therefore are not suitable for serious research. Mistaken. The fact that those who practice astrology today or not use methods scientifici non ha niente a che vedere con la validità delle conoscenze che utilizzano. Il fatto che le abbiamo ignorate senza sottoporle a una valutazione sperimentale, etichettandole come inutili chiacchiere per le masse, dice molto su fatto che quelli che si occupano di salute mentale ragionano col "cuXX", e che di solito hanno bisogno di più aiuto che quello che possono offrire.

Sappiamo poco sulle origini dell'astrologia, a parte il fatto che cinquemila anni fa civiltà che andavano da Babilonia alla Cina, indipendentemente le une dalle altre, studiavano i cieli per cercare di capire meglio la vita sulla terra. Nel XVII secolo, quando uomini come Galileo, Keplero e Newton stavano ponendo i fondamenti dell'astronomia, also took into account the value of their astrological observations and their predictions. At one point, however, the accuracy of their mathematical calculations and predictions made from them must have acquired greater importance than thought it would be possible to use the theories, much more vague claims of astrology. Individuals who are up all night to look through long tubes blacks, saving four or five digit numbers and inventing calculation models are not necessarily experts in human behavior, and it is very likely that find the complex interactions between individuals and stars. They already have enough to do to try to calculate the orbit because Mars is elliptical rather than circular.

So astronomy was separated from astrology, but this did not happen because one worked, and the other is not. No one has done a thorough empirical evaluation of astrological data, and concluded that none of them could be used to make predictions, astronomers simply have preferred to continue to deal with cyclical movements of the planets, rather than those of human beings..
His official website .

From the website of Corriere della Sera a first article . A second article . A another article. By the way Kary Mullis has also written an interesting article on "The AIDS Scam" .


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