Sound Juicer on Ubuntu Hardy Heron
Questa guida l'ho trovata su internet e spero sia utile a chi come me non capiva come mai la solita modifica non funzionasse...
Estrarre Cd Audio in formato .mp3
Una delle pecche di Sound Juicer, il programma per estrarre canzoni dai cd preinstallato su Ubuntu, è quella di non poter estrarre le canzoni in mp3.
Con questa guida potrete finalmente estrarre le canzoni dai vostri cd preferiti nel formato standard di tutti i lettori mp3 o altro.
La prima cosa da fare è quella di installare dei plugin gstreamer:
sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse
Now we have to change the properties gstreamer, then the terminal date:
Now add a new sound profile:
Profile * Name: *
MP3 Profile Description: MP3
* Pipeline GStreamer: audio / x-raw-int, rate = 44100, channels = 2! lame name = enc
* Extension of the fil: mp3
and put the check mark for "Active?".
At this point you just have to start Sound Juicer, and in preferences choose the new profile created.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Louana Pure Coconut Oil Reviews
New Project - Mead
Here, a new project!
Since I've basically wasted a pound of honey, I thought us mead.
The matter is quite simple: in the coming days I will take the yeast (or better than wine, but I do not know where to find it). At that point it will all be quite simple: let dissolve the honey with the appropriate amount of water, then I'm going to put it in bottles with yeast to ferment the whole.
After some time (I do not remember exactly how long), I'll pour the mixture into other bottles, trying to leave the deposit of yeast at the bottom of the first bottle.
At this point you have to wait several months before you can taste!
Here, a new project!
Since I've basically wasted a pound of honey, I thought us mead.
The matter is quite simple: in the coming days I will take the yeast (or better than wine, but I do not know where to find it). At that point it will all be quite simple: let dissolve the honey with the appropriate amount of water, then I'm going to put it in bottles with yeast to ferment the whole.
After some time (I do not remember exactly how long), I'll pour the mixture into other bottles, trying to leave the deposit of yeast at the bottom of the first bottle.
At this point you have to wait several months before you can taste!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Connections At Iceland Airport
Nè Caini... tantomeno cugini!
Sorry Buonasorte that has lost hours of sleep, even considered because the behavior is certainly not flawless often assumed of its motion, at this time will surely become sonnambulo.
Per riutilizzare la sua terminologia da tragedia euripidea, ci riempie il cuore di tristezza sentir parlare proprio lui di coerenza e carrierismo, dato che più volte si è tuffato a capofitto dove ha trovato spazio politico, cambiando per tre volte partito e dimostrando incoerenza votata all'opportunismo.
Abbiamo però un pò di umana comprensione, dato che per assurgere alle cronache ha bisogno quotidianamente di attaccare AN per goderne della luce riflessa, visto che il suo movimento è rappresentativo di ben poco, tanto meno di quelle persone che sul territorio a destra hanno sempre militato.Non ci presteremo a ulteriori polemiche che non portano nulla al dibattito politico e ai cittadini, riservandoci ulteriori azioni nelle fora.
Sorry Buonasorte that has lost hours of sleep, even considered because the behavior is certainly not flawless often assumed of its motion, at this time will surely become sonnambulo.
Per riutilizzare la sua terminologia da tragedia euripidea, ci riempie il cuore di tristezza sentir parlare proprio lui di coerenza e carrierismo, dato che più volte si è tuffato a capofitto dove ha trovato spazio politico, cambiando per tre volte partito e dimostrando incoerenza votata all'opportunismo.
Abbiamo però un pò di umana comprensione, dato che per assurgere alle cronache ha bisogno quotidianamente di attaccare AN per goderne della luce riflessa, visto che il suo movimento è rappresentativo di ben poco, tanto meno di quelle persone che sul territorio a destra hanno sempre militato.Non ci presteremo a ulteriori polemiche che non portano nulla al dibattito politico e ai cittadini, riservandoci ulteriori azioni nelle fora.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Funny Southern Dialect Quotes
"malDESTRA 2008"... ovvero EUGENIA...THE REVENGE!
"For the umpteenth time Eugenia Federici has demonstrated to the entire audience of readers his political ignorance, his opportunism and his bumbling confusion regarding historical facts and steps made by the Italian right and territorial.
We are tired of read the delirious babble of those who challenge the indiscriminate the only weapon available: Monterotondo was obviously well-educated on how to do to sink a party.
A person who is not able to distinguish a fasces from a halberd Space , Benito Mussolini from Craxi or "270 Bis" by a stroke Cotral should not venture to speak of "the bodies of the fallen to the ideals, primarily because it is something that is sacred to us and can not be exploited for a controversy like the blue lines in secundis because his recent political history has seen in the front row only to defend an ideal Specifically, the conservation chair of hysterical spasmodic and his daddy politician who, after changing the party and had so betrayed the mandate of voters, also claimed to remain in place with impunity. "
"Anyway, back to the subject in question, even in this case," thank you "Eugenia which, although clumsily and provocatively as usual, it allows to clarify its Youth Action position.
Alliance and National Youth Action have not yet raised the issue because as yet not discussed. Perhaps the Federation and missed this small detail has not been approved a damn about everything that goes around saying. We advise you to be more attentive and present municipal issues, not just to those who see the involvement of Monterotondo.
His is a genuine of intentions, made by those who, having nothing to say, try to stay in the spotlight by shooting a total zero on nothing more. "
Eugenia conclude by inviting her to work on initiatives and let go of that theater of the controversy, which he loves so much, who always sees the absolute star but does not produce anything good.
Here are the boys who, without asking anything in return, spend the little free time to political activism and initiatives of various kinds, often stealing hours of sleep. They have no time to waste with the usual "Querelle des Bouffons" triggered by puppets, awkwardly, the least they think they can poison the serene atmosphere of a political community as our youth.
"For the umpteenth time Eugenia Federici has demonstrated to the entire audience of readers his political ignorance, his opportunism and his bumbling confusion regarding historical facts and steps made by the Italian right and territorial.
We are tired of read the delirious babble of those who challenge the indiscriminate the only weapon available: Monterotondo was obviously well-educated on how to do to sink a party.
A person who is not able to distinguish a fasces from a halberd Space , Benito Mussolini from Craxi or "270 Bis" by a stroke Cotral should not venture to speak of "the bodies of the fallen to the ideals, primarily because it is something that is sacred to us and can not be exploited for a controversy like the blue lines in secundis because his recent political history has seen in the front row only to defend an ideal Specifically, the conservation chair of hysterical spasmodic and his daddy politician who, after changing the party and had so betrayed the mandate of voters, also claimed to remain in place with impunity. "
"Anyway, back to the subject in question, even in this case," thank you "Eugenia which, although clumsily and provocatively as usual, it allows to clarify its Youth Action position.
Alliance and National Youth Action have not yet raised the issue because as yet not discussed. Perhaps the Federation and missed this small detail has not been approved a damn about everything that goes around saying. We advise you to be more attentive and present municipal issues, not just to those who see the involvement of Monterotondo.
His is a genuine of intentions, made by those who, having nothing to say, try to stay in the spotlight by shooting a total zero on nothing more. "
Eugenia conclude by inviting her to work on initiatives and let go of that theater of the controversy, which he loves so much, who always sees the absolute star but does not produce anything good.
Here are the boys who, without asking anything in return, spend the little free time to political activism and initiatives of various kinds, often stealing hours of sleep. They have no time to waste with the usual "Querelle des Bouffons" triggered by puppets, awkwardly, the least they think they can poison the serene atmosphere of a political community as our youth.
Monday, October 13, 2008
How Long Metronidazole In System
- Villa Adriana, Tivoli Sabato 18 ottobre 2008 ore 18.00
presso Federazione di AN della Provincia di Roma sita in
Traversa di via Maremmana Inferiore Km 0,400
- Velletri , Venerdì 14 novembre 2008 ore 18.00
Teatro Aurora, Piazza San Clemente
- Ardea , Friday, November 28, 2008 18:00
The House of Mimosa in via Lucca, 27 (New Florida)
- Santa Marinella , Friday, December 12, 2008 18:00
Via della Libertà, 19
"The values \u200b\u200band ideals are not a symbol, a flame or a name. They are men who in those values \u200b\u200band ideals they believe in and fight to defend them. "
For this reason we must make the most of the months that separate us from the birth of the new party, because it is absolutely vital to fully understand what we want to build, as it is essential to ensure that this new creature is present, it appeared, as an empty container. The arrival of this impressive political entity should not and can not be just a formality. Processes dropped from producing at best indifference, at worst discontent, anger, frustration. Unlike the PD, the PDL will be a force that comes from below, by the will of its activists with the involvement of citizens. Our task is to lead the people towards the new National Alliance Party in a participatory manner, mindful, dispelling the doubts, the doubts of those who look at this process with skepticism and sometimes hostility. To be prepared or yielding would be an unforgivable mistake. For this reason, an area of \u200b\u200bstrategic importance such as that of the Province of Rome can not and should not remain in the shadows. The Federation of Circles of the National Alliance of the Province of Rome, in collaboration with the Federation of Youth Action the Province of Rome, to that end, presents a series of meetings between the party, youth, activists, sympathizers, the citizens.
For this reason we must make the most of the months that separate us from the birth of the new party, because it is absolutely vital to fully understand what we want to build, as it is essential to ensure that this new creature is present, it appeared, as an empty container. The arrival of this impressive political entity should not and can not be just a formality. Processes dropped from producing at best indifference, at worst discontent, anger, frustration. Unlike the PD, the PDL will be a force that comes from below, by the will of its activists with the involvement of citizens. Our task is to lead the people towards the new National Alliance Party in a participatory manner, mindful, dispelling the doubts, the doubts of those who look at this process with skepticism and sometimes hostility. To be prepared or yielding would be an unforgivable mistake. For this reason, an area of \u200b\u200bstrategic importance such as that of the Province of Rome can not and should not remain in the shadows. The Federation of Circles of the National Alliance of the Province of Rome, in collaboration with the Federation of Youth Action the Province of Rome, to that end, presents a series of meetings between the party, youth, activists, sympathizers, the citizens.
- Villa Adriana, Tivoli Sabato 18 ottobre 2008 ore 18.00
presso Federazione di AN della Provincia di Roma sita in
Traversa di via Maremmana Inferiore Km 0,400
- Velletri , Venerdì 14 novembre 2008 ore 18.00
Teatro Aurora, Piazza San Clemente
- Ardea , Friday, November 28, 2008 18:00
The House of Mimosa in via Lucca, 27 (New Florida)
- Santa Marinella , Friday, December 12, 2008 18:00
Via della Libertà, 19
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Electric Bicycle Convertion Kit Singapore
ATREJU 2008: le foto
... that expression does not seem to be really happy ...
Joy D'Apolito (San Angelo) and Clemente Russo
The story goes through Davidino (AG Castelchiodato)
now surpass the sterile polemics and without the necessary details, it seems fair to give even the space above time as a community festival that celebrates our most important event within the youthful national.
Here are some photos taken by the guys at AG PROVINCE OF ROME ...

Minister Tremonti The hieroglyphs on the book by Andrea Berti (Monte Porzio) ...

Youth Action Mentana, Fonte Nuova Guidonia Montecelio

Azione Giovani Guidonia Montecelio
Azione Giovani Mentana, Fonte Nuova, Guidonia Montecelio e S.Angelo Romano
Le due Giorgie: il Ministro Meloni e Giorgia Clementucci (AG Mentana)
Ettore Tirrò e Alessandro Petrini (AG Tivoli)
Maurizio Guccini e Filippo Antonuccio (AG Fonte Nuova) al concerto della Compagnia dell'Anello
Simone Amati (AG Nettuno) e Sandra Silvestri mostrano il Presidente Guccini nella loro macchinetta fotografica
Azione Giovani Monterotondo
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