Thursday, November 13, 2008

Phone Water Sticker Pink

Webcam, Skype and Ubuntu 8.10 Upgrade from 4.8 to 8.10

Unfortunately, version 8.10, like all new versions of Ubuntu is not without flaws and problems. Certainly better than 04/08 when he was just out, but has some minor flaws.
And here's one very boring. The USB webcam does not want to learn to work with Skype.

Looking for a bit 'on the internet, I found the solution (for which I thank Max B.) that will carry over in all its steps:

1) First you have to write on the terminal: "sudo gedit / usr / local / bin / skype "

2) In file testo che comparirà dovete scrivere, così come lo riporto:
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ /usr/bin/skype"

3) a questo punto dovete rendere eseguibile il file col comando, da terminale: "sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/skype"

Ora lanciate il file, e se tutto funziona, sostituite nelle proprietà del lanciatore di Skype il file col vostro appena creato.
Ed il gioco è fatto!


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