Friday, January 23, 2009

Steps To Number Lock Vip Elanza

Guccini: "Students suffer because they have not participated in the protesta”

“Sembrerebbe che alcuni alunni degli istituti superiori siano stati penalizzati nel voto in condotta perché non hanno aderito alla protesta contro la riforma Gelmini”. A dichiararlo Maurizio GUCCINI , Presidente della Provincia di Roma di Azione Giovani, movimento giovanile di Alleanza Nazionale.“Alcuni nostri iscritti e simpatizzanti, che durante il periodo della protesta non aderirono agli scioperi o alle manifestazioni, lamentarono minacce non solo da parte degli altri studenti, ma addirittura dagli insegnanti. La più gettonata sembrerebbe essere appunto quella dell’abbassamento conduct of the vote in, recently reintroduced by the Ministry of Education. In one case, even a student, only to be entered to teach, was convened by the Principal to give explanations about his behavior. "" We are at the peak - continues Guccini - who play by the rules is penalized. Evidently the total failure of the "Wave" and joint events organized by professors and students left, sometimes more like the defense of the privileges of the few and the baron, and the landslide victory in recent elections, the right university, must have unnerved some petty character, now he rails against those who babble intends to defend the students in fact. This is a demonstration of a subculture, which can not be described otherwise, the remaining claims, dominated the places where students are formed by one political faction. "" We have forwarded the complaints of the children to our representatives in the institutions - concluded Guccini - why promote actions to protect the freedom of students and will support legal actions against teachers and principals who have taken anti-democratic and discriminatory attitudes. "


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