Saturday, April 18, 2009

How To Keep Bed Slats In Place

the poet and the power

Stello is a little-known book by Alfred de Vigny, poeta romantico francese (ricordate?! LUI ). I protagonisti sono Stello, poeta, visionario, idealista e emotivo, e il suo medico, il Dottor Nero, ottimo dottore, razionale e compassato. Metafore dell'animo del poeta, non si oppongono, ma si completano (se vogliamo, Stello, stella...le stelle possono splendere solo nel Nero...).
Stello è una lunga conversazione tra i due, condotta per lo più dal Dottor Nero, che attraverso tre esempi cerca di dimostare la seguente tesi: il poeta sarà sempre e comunque odiato dal potere costituito, di qualsiasi tipo esso sia.

Traduco qui 2 brani della conclusione: nel primo, si immagina la risposta di Omero a Platone, che nella Republic poets condemned as useless imitators of nature, the second is because power and poetry are incompatible.

"My dear Plato, Homer is true that the poor, and with him all the hapless immortals who surround him, are nothing but imitation of nature, it is true that there are carvers because they describe a bed, or doctors, that tell a healing, it is true that with a blanket of words and metaphors, supported by measure, number and harmony, simulating the science that describes it is true that they are only present in the eyes of mortals a reflection of life, and that, by deceiving them eyes, turn to the soul capable of illusion; but either divine Plato! great is your weakness when it considered the weakest part of our soul that gets excited and stands, preferring one that weighs and how much. Imagination, with its impulses, is much higher than the rating, only with its speakers, as the gods of Olympus than demigods. The most precious gift of heaven is the rarest - and do not see that three poets born a century ago, for a crowd of logicians and sophists assennatissimi and skilled? Imagination has in itself the Last Judgement and memory, without which there would. Who pulls the men, if not emotion? Who generates the excitement, if not art? And who teaches art, but God himself? Since The poet has no master, and all the sciences are taught, except his. -You ask me what institutions, what laws, doctrines which I have given the city? No nations, but an eternal world. - I do not belong to any city but to the universe. - Is your doctrine, your laws, your institutions, were good for an era and a people, and with them died, the works of art heavenly, however, stand out for ever and ever more as they rise, and bring all the unhappy mortal to the eternal law of LOVE and MERCY '"

( Dr. Black :)" Since the power is a science convention at the times and because each order sociale è costruito su di una menzogna più o meno ridicola, mentre le bellezze di ogni Arte non possono che derivare dalla verità più profonda, capisce che il Potere, quale che sia, trova una continua opposizione in ogni opera così concepita. Da lì i suoi sforzi eterni per reprimere o sedurre."


I paria della società sono i poeti, gli uomini magnanimi e di cuore, gli uomini superiori e onorabili. Ogni potere li detesta, poiché vede in essi i propri giudici, che lo condannano prima dei posteri.
(Alfred de Vigny, Lettera a Brizeux )


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