Our youth movement confirms its leadership in the Province of Rome, almost all children by electing candidates in city councils and tapping the company in some really difficult.
A NEW SOURCE , Philip Antonucci said FOO , in a real list of PDL " battleship, "manages to fall between those elected by 182 votes of preference
A MONTEROTONDO Fabio FEDERICI with 248 votes beat many "sacred cows" of local politics and even in opposition, is among the elect of the PDL
A Gavigno Emiliano DATT achieves exceptional results are among the first elected mayor and receives the nomination of Councillor for the Budget, Culture and Politics Youth
A CICILIANO stesso risultato per Angela MATTONI , tra i primi degli eletti
A MARCELLINA entra in maggioranza Alessandro LUNDINI , presidente di AG del circolo locale
A CAVE grande risultato per Gianluca CHIALASTRI , tra i primi eletti
A FRASCATI , nonostante la sconfitta, riesce a entrare come terzo del PDL in consiglio comunale Simone CARBONI
Ottimo risultato anche per Andrea BERTI che, in a hostile reality, historically tied to the left and prehistoric-political mechanisms as Monte Porzio Catone, can not enter tips for a handful of votes.
Waiting for the event, which will be announced soon , with whom we celebrate all our guys, I congratulate all, confident that the success, material and moral, is due to your way of doing politics and the roots that avete ottenuto sul territorio grazie ad anni di sacrificio e di lavoro.
Maurizio Guccini
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