Thursday, October 4, 2007

Brazilian Waxing At 2 Cm Dilation

The similarities in astrology: the skin

To understand astrology is necessary to understand the language he uses is essentially symbolic and the main mechanism on which it is based is the ' analogy. All there is in the Universe must therefore fall within the circle of the zodiac , it relates to the analysis of a person, of an idea, a moment for a specific subject or another. If then we were asked ... "I have a skin disease .." where we should start the analysis in the birth chart, as the sign and the planets initially be tested? Where to start?

The answer is the sign of Libra. But this, why? Everything must go in Astrology according to a reasoning which works by analogy and thus analogies . From the conception of the ancient and the breakdown of the sky in asterisk largely constitute the current celestial constellations emerge, thanks to the writings of the philosopher Macrobius , originally identified on the group Zodiac constellations were 11 or 12 and that the balance was added, and arose from a narrowing of the constellation Scorpius. The balance was therefore a function to connect the previous Virgo Scorpio, to establish a link between the two . In fact, the sign of Libra is investigated and holds associations, unions, link, justice, balance . What is the physical function of the skin? That really and symbolically to mark the inside, the guts of the physical body, its liquid, gas, etc.. outside, from the world: Libra is in the middle, associated, in relation connects the inside with the outside world. In addition, the scale is the seventh sign , is that is "half" between the first sign, Aries, Astrology, and really symbolically corresponding to the head and fish, equivalent to the feet referring to the human person.

So for the analysis of skin diseases and the like will need to investigate the sign of Libra and Venus, its diurnal .


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