Thursday, November 1, 2007

Is Xbox Gold Reacurring

Considerations "Brothers" by G. Ungaretti

Mariano July 15, 1916

What regiment are

shivering in the night

Leaf newborn

In the air suitor
involuntary revolt
this human frailty to his


  • Ungaretti goes without saying that here is at war, and that is going through all the atrocities of the trenches of World War

  • In a poem like that ungarettiana metrically free, place gives clear emphasis to the words: look at brother , leaves, fragility much emphasis on it in early and related to each other and alliterating (in particular, and I do not by chance, brothers and fragility: are the only words to be from sun ...)

  • BROTHERS the word gives the title to the poem and is the centerpiece, placed as both the beginning and end.
    But it's still too many. If we take away the fact
    the end, nothing changes: as detached from the rest, in its form to him, is an extension of the speech that almost puzzling, sfumado so vaguely ... But if we remove the top, what do we get? A normal sentence: two groups of soldiers meet and requesting information to each other. What is abnormal, if we imagine the situation, you turn to in case the soldiers called him brothers. In fact, it is unrealistic. Logically, we should eliminate the "brothers". Brotherhood is unnecessary and inappropriate.
    At the same time, nel suo essere superflua, esprime un bisogno profondo: chi parla, per dire una cosa così strana, deve non poterne fare a meno, e nel ripeterla alla fine sembra assaporarla...

  • FOGLIA emblema perfetto di precarietà e debolezza: della debolezza della fratellanza, dell'uomo, ma soprattutto del soldato:

    Si sta come
    sugli alberi
    le foglie

    scriveva Ungaretti dopo aver visto cadere in un bosco, sotto un bombardamento tedesco, soldati e alberi insieme: foglie, soldati (fratelli) e fragilità sono una cosa sola ; posta tra fratelli e fragilità , foglia summarizes both ...

  • FRAILTY ' a technical masterpiece. E 'in focus because BEGINNING of hand, because strong enjambement, but especially for the "displacement metric ! If in fact the verse was

    In the air suitor
    involuntary revolt
    this man
    its fragility

    4 verses of similar length (sevenfold, octonary, senario, octonary) and rhyme with vv between 1 and 3: much smoother. Ungaretti instead stretches the 3rd st of 3 syllables, making it the longest and canceling the rhyme, then let v fragility isolated at 4 (as brothers ...) in enjambement.
    metrically, is a punch up an eye: fragility is striking.

In war there are no brothers, one is alone and therefore fragile, helpless in the face of the horror. It cries out against this instinctively ( involuntary revolt ) Ungaretti, a scream that is fragile and shaking like a leaf, so desperate and aware of his strangeness.
In war you fight for life, in the end, every man for himself, but for this brotherhood is the greatest need, the only bulwark against the fragility and precariousness of human existence. The soldier need to call his brothers ...
This, in my opinion, the message transmitted by Ungaretti through the position of 3 words ...


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