A petition to promote the escalation of the penalty for the offense is guilty of sexual assault.
This initiative started with ACTION YOUTH PROVINCE OF ROME theater and see how the squares of all the municipalities of province.
"the Government has done well, with a special decree to remove all of the benefits to rapists and rapists - MAURIZIO says Guccini, Provincial President of Youth Action - but we believe that the retention period required by law is too small compared to the offense. A kind of violence remains indelible in the mind of those who unfortunately suffers it. So we've called the collection of signatures "SEXUAL VIOLENCE KILLS IN ..." We demand that the minimum detention period is extended from 5 to 10 years to a maximum of 15 "." We will be in all the squares of the Province of Rome - concludes Guccini - from Saturday, February 28 to Sunday, March 8, Women's Day "
The case is also addressed by Deputy Prime Provincial Council Francesco Petrocchi , supporting the initiative to AG: "I filed a motion in the Provincial Council - says Petrocchi - to ask that the Province in the conversion of the decree that they may intervene to ensure that the crime of sexual violence to be included among those "against life el'incolumità individual" rather than among "against freedom" of the person as it is today. This is changing the cultural approach to the criminal offense of sexual assault because the latter will not only produces a constraint and limitation of freedom, but devastating injuries that affect the good of life. "
"AN promuove questa iniziativa - afferma il Consigliere Regionale Francesco LOLLOBRIGIDA - e interviene con una proposta concreta che nell'ambito dello stato di diritto che vogliamo difendere vuole dare una risposta certa ai cittadini aumentando le pene e considerando la violenza carnale una violenza nell'animo"
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