Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Best Painkiller For Waxing

Da un punto di vista astrologico, le nuove energie che contrassegneranno il 2011 si attiveranno il 22 January with the arrival of Jupiter in Aries.
amplifying function of Jupiter will pump energy from the more individualistic and reactive sign of the Zodiac until June 4, a step short - five months instead of the usual 12, but very powerful, because it triggers again the disruptive dynamics of the square T between Saturn in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. With Jupiter in Aries, each of us feel that it is time to honor our own personal truth. If in 2010 we felt the victims of overwhelming power, monitoring and enforcement, although now rotten and corrupt, Pluto in Capricorn, and from information drugged addicted to Neptune in Aquarius, will begin in 2011 to react just from the knowledge that each of us there is a personal truth that cries out to express themselves. Begin to develop a feeling of justice that goes beyond the codified law, and appeals to natural law and instinct for survival and self-determination. We will say more often: "I exist, and I have the right to live in a world in which my personal truth to be recognized and respected."

On March 3, the lunar nodes passing through the Cancer / Capricorn to the Gemini / Sagittarius and ruled until August 2012. It 'a move that speaks of greater mobility and ability the thought of moving toward a more broad and diverse reality. We will receive more information about past events, which will allow us to give a more precise actions to be taken. We will know more and therefore understand more.

On March 12, Uranus in Aries will definitely ruled until 2018. From this moment begins the active phase of change. Each of us start to feel like a warrior (Aries) and its strong personal truth (Jupiter in Aries) and its ability to intuit how to give impetus to a better future (Uranus in Aries), will begin to struggle in the first person to frames are rotten and toxic than Pluto in Capricorn can be profoundly transformed in every area, from the more strictly personal to the more extended and comprehensive, so Saturn in Libra can rebuild and give their best in accordance with its balancing and civilizational values.

must be said that will not always be rosy. We are witnessing the birth of a new paradigm of civilization, and the Zodiac himself tells us that birth is in itself a Martian, sometimes very traumatic. From April 2 to May 12th in Aries Mars will also give manforte to Jupiter and Uranus, creating a situation highly volatile and explosive. In particular, the first half of April will be a very turbulent period, in which we must try to remain sufficiently focused and polished so as to make the push for change brings with it without unnecessary trauma and broken. Should be monitored especially the days of 2 and 3 April, which 7 will be in Aries planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Black Moon, Mars, Uranus and Black Moon joint). Much will depend on how the change will be easier or less in recent weeks. Unless there is unanimous recognition that the need for a profound transformation of the structures of power, frustration could skyrocket and then explosively discharged.
A great blessing - for those who will take - we will offer a first and a brief incursion of Neptune in Pisces (from 4 April to 6 August - then from February 2012 to 2025). The gift of Neptune will be thin, as is his style, but deep. Who will understand his message, his dream imagery, its intangible and inexplicable feeling, the lord of Pisces will offer the feeling of not being alone in this struggle, and at the same time instill in what we do with a sense of sacredness that time was missing, not a way of holiness, bound to a creed, but the sacred right of every conscious act of creation in favor of life. We will feel co-creator of the future life, in harmony with the unseen forces that govern the cosmos, and thus lessen the anxiety about the choices to be made powered by Saturn in Libra, and the fear of loss of reference points triggered by Pluto Capricorn.

Uranus in Aries and Neptune in Pisces it speaks of a sacred active or sacred activism, if you prefer. But we'll talk about the new year.


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