Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cell Respirations Lab Answers

Ophiuchus - the 13th sign of the zodiac?

E 'became even fun to see how astronomers are not groped for another argument that this periodically to discredit the astrologers. It takes patience. And just because the age has made me become more patient, I translated for those few (astronomers) that still do not know that the sun signs should never be made to correspond to the constellations, this article by Dieter Koch on the subject.

Ophiuchus - the 13th sign of the zodiac?

Dieter Koch

Un anno sì e un anno no sentiamo le solite vecchie notizie provenienti dai detrattori dell’astrologia, per lo più astronomi e fisici che di astrologia non sanno nulla.
Sostengono che i segni dello zodiaco usati dagli astrologi non corrispondono alle reali costellazioni delle stelle in cielo. Dicono che le costellazioni si sono spostate rispetto ai segni astrologici di circa un mese nel corso degli ultimi 2000 anni. Spiegano ciò con la cosiddetta precessione degli equinozi.
Sostengono, inoltre, che gli astrologi non tengono conto di una tredicesima costellazione, il Serpentario (Ofiuco), nonostante il Sole passi ogni anno attraverso tale costellazione.
Queste asserzioni, pur essendo in un certo senso vere, sono basate su supposizioni false e ingenue riguardo l’essenza e la storia dell’astrologia , e quindi non centrano il bersaglio. Chi argomenta in tal modo contro l’astrologia sicuramente può saperne di astronomia, ma è incompetente riguardo l’astrologia, perché impreparato. Parla attraverso i media di qualcosa che non ha mai studiato.

Tolomeo era perfettamente a conoscenza della precessione

Già nel secondo secolo dopo Cristo l’astrologo e astronomo Tolomeo era perfettamente a conoscenza della precessione e delle questioni a cui abbiamo precedentemente mentioned. He knew that the equinoctial points were slowly moving with respect to the constellations - of about 1 ° every 72 years, more or less the length of a human life (Ptolemy, Almagest VII.2.f). What's more, he decided to abandon the constellations to allow the zodiac begins at 0 ° Aries at spring equinox (Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos 1.10f). Why? He considered that what the constellations of fixed stars were not relevant to astrology, believing that the sun signs should be fixed at the cardinal points of the route of the annual Sun Aries begins at the spring equinox, solstice Cancer ' summer Libra autumn equinox and Capricorn at the winter solstice.
Ptolemy's decision was entirely logical, because the astrologers had always felt that the signs were associated with the solar seasons. Already in ancient Mesopotamia 2000 to . C. about the appearance of the stars of Libra just before sunrise indicated symbolically and concretely the autumn equinox (as documented by the cuneiform Mul.apin I iii 1-2). When this rule did not work more than 1000 years later, because of the shift due to the precession of the equinoxes, was the entrance of the Sun in Libra to mark the beginning of autumn.

Signs Solar vs constellations of fixed stars

modern astrology has remained true to this old tradition. It does not consider the constellations of fixed stars, but divides the zodiac corresponding to the cardinal points of the seasons. real stars of the constellations in the sky are astrologically irrelevant. The Sun-sign (zodiac signs) should never be made to correspond to the constellations of fixed stars. These configurations are constellations of stars visible in the sky, while the Sun-sign can not be seen in the sky. They are mathematical divisions of the annual path of the sun in the sky, in which each of the 12 parts fit precisely 30 degrees.
If astronomers argue that astrology can not be true because it uses the actual constellation of fixed stars, they do so believing wrongly that astrologers have forgotten where they are the constellations of fixed stars. Every astrologer, however, knows very well that are different from the astrological signs of the zodiac. The historical truth is that few are interested in the fact that the constellations of fixed stars have received their names from the seasons and the annual rate of the Sun, not the other way. Where the constellations that have received these names are now in heaven is simply irrelevant. The astrologer is only interested the Sun-sign, based on the seasons.
Now, what about Ophiuchus, the Serpent? Since even this is only a constellation of fixed stars, has no astrological significance. The Sun is currently passing through it between November 29 and December 17, a period that falls in the astrological sign of Sagittarius.
English translation of Alessandro Lanzoni


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