I'm a Pisces with Sun and Moon in the twelfth house in Cancer trine Neptune: Neptune a doc.
for a couple of years I've been on the slate in the kitchen that I keep a post-it on which I transcribed these words of DT Suzuki:
" The aid comes from a source beyond our limited existence. But it is not beyond us. It has no understanding of our limitations, therefore, is not in tune with us. But the source of help share our heart and a current of sympathy unites us. The power is in us and we are not from outside. Otherwise the source can not understand each other. This means being senza essere, essere dentro eppure essere fuori, essere finito eppure servire l’infinito. ”
Quale migliore indicazione per comprendere il tipo di aiuto che Nettuno ci darĂ al suo primo ingresso in Pesci ad aprile?
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