Monday, January 17, 2011

Pelvic Pain Not Pregnant

Order and Chaos

"It 's only from the chaos that can be born a bright star" (F. Nietzsche )

in the zodiac order and chaos are represented respectively by the signs opposite of the Virgin and the Fishes.
Every thing, every model, symbolically born in Aries, is consolidated in Taurus, stands in Gemini, is rooted in Cancer, acquires an identity of self in Leo and is structured according to an order in Virgo. In Virgo, the sign of the mean, then we find the highest order and adaptability to the environment, because, on the scale, the model is becoming more elements of redundancy up to the maximum expression of power Capricorn, but as the culmination of a Capricorn, is also the beginning of the disintegration of the model, decay that will be completed in Pisces, where there is just chaos, understood as a creative vacuum, filled with intent, from which emerge new models viable, and that therefore the state is essential to the creation of new forms.

The point of maximum crisis indicated by the Zodiac, the point where you have both problems and dangers and new opportunities is 0 ° Aries, ie the change point in the cycle where new models are born. In a little on this point will pass Jupiter, the planet of confidence, optimism and new opportunities, which will be followed in the spring by Uranus, the planet of change, and Mars, the planet of action.
Capricorn will receive a nice jolt from these transits. How will he react?
There are two possibilities:
  1. continue to become increasingly obsessed and blinded by delusions of omnipotence of Pluto, continuing on the way to increasing control and manipulation, resulting in further increase the level of tension and conflict between the power structures and the individual (Aries), community (Cancer) and the judiciary (Libra) - with the only long-term result of cutting off the evolutionary process, or
  2. will launch a long being troubled for a review of its priorities, which will accept the constructive dialogue with the Ram, il Cancro e la Bilancia per ridefinire i suoi obiettivi a lungo termine.

La nascita di ogni cosa, anche di una stella lucente, è sempre preceduta da un doloroso travaglio.


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