Sunday, March 6, 2011

Implantation Bleeding Recognize

The right action

As I mentioned in What right? What rights? , Jupiter is closely related to the sense of justice and natural law. Aries is the sign of charge to action, to do, to react and to initiate things. Jupiter by the ram becomes more reactive and impulsive, less abstract and philosophical, but it remains true to its archetypal significance that binds to the sense of justice, the question arises of what the "right action".

I think between now and June There we will put more or less the problem of what might be the "right action". The need to act there will be no doubt. It will be inevitable. But perhaps for the first time in a long time feel that it is important to act not in any way, just to release tension and frustration, but in the "right" way to finally do the right things.

On March 12, Jupiter will be joined by Uranus, which suddenly thundering in his ears will try to convince him that it is time to change, to innovate, to dare. Uranus is often associated with the figure of Prometheus, the Titan who stole fire from the gods to give him the knowledge agli uomini. Nel mito Prometeo fu punito proprio da Giove per questo furto. In questo caso, invece, è come se tra i due si stabilisse un’alleanza strategica; come se Giove fosse temporaneamente sceso dall’Olimpo sulla terra dei comuni mortali e, durante l’anno trascorso nel segno dei Pesci, avesse toccato con mano la loro povertà, la loro desolazione, e convenisse – almeno fino a giugno – che Prometeo tutto sommato ha ragione nel voler donare un po’ più di conoscenza e di opportunità agli umani.

Ma la conoscenza, le intuizioni, i lampi di genio che riceveremo dovranno essere utilizzati per compiere ciò che è giusto e opportuno, altrimenti rischiamo of incurring his nemesis. Also in the myth, that Jupiter sent into a rage was the insult of ὕβρις ( hubris) , namely the violation of divine laws immutable substance of natural law in Jupiter. The arrogance of those who believed potersene care about the laws of God, Zeus responded by taking it out of his mind. Let's hope so. Of people out of their minds seems to me that there is already enough.


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