Friday, March 11, 2011

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Solar activity, natural disasters and planets in Aries

Aries is the sign of the exaltation of the Sun for us astrologers, the sign where a planet is exalted corresponds to that segment of the Zodiac where the planet expresses its energy in an excessive way, without restraint, sometimes exasperated. It 'was this that in his time made me think that high energy inputs of planets like Jupiter and Uranus in this sign would activate the new sunspot cycle. And so it was.

In recent months I have regularly monitored the solar activity and I noticed that the new year tended to increase (Jupiter in Aries entered on January 22 last year).
On March 9, is also entered in Aries Mercury exactly three days ago and began a period of intense solar activity, like you have never seen for years, and is still in progress.

Yesterday night, at 4.46 hours Italian, in Japan there was an earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale, which in the opinion of seismologists is the strongest ever recorded among those instrumentally. So strong that it has moved 10 cm. the Earth's axis. It will be a chance that this earthquake occurs in association with the first storm of the new solar sunspot cycle, and both occur less than 24 hours prior to entry of Uranus in Aries?

The ruler of the planets that are transitando in Ariete è Marte, che ora si trova in Pesci. Ciò significa che la nuova energia prodotta dai pianeti di transito in Ariete ha in prima battuta un impatto immediato sulle simbologie del segno in cui transitano (riattivazione dell’attività solare). In Ariete oltre a Marte troviamo domiciliato anche Plutone, e questo ce la dice lunga riguardo alla connessione tra eccesso di attività solare e energie telluriche. Plutone ora si trova in Capricorno, un segno di Terra che, guarda caso, la Morpurgo collegava al Giappone. Il terremoto è dunque una conseguenza sia dei semplici ingressi in questo segno sia dell’attivazione della quadratura di questi pianeti con Plutone in Capricorno. E Marte? Marte in Pesci, in qualità di dispositore, represents the secondary receiver of the influence of the energy produced by the planets in Aries and reflects the result of their activities in accordance with the symbolism of the sign is located. Pisces is still connected to the oceans and the great masses of water. In fact, the large number of victims has not caused the earthquake, but the tsunami.

Uranus in Aries had already entered the first time last May 28. Retained in this regard some of the considerations which I did at the conference imagine what future , held last November in Rome: "... a few hours before and two hours after such entry dangerous volcanoes in Guatemala and a uno in Ecuador, hanno ripreso all’improvviso a eruttare cenere e pietre. (…) Durante la breve sosta di Urano in Ariete dell’estate 2010 una serie di vasti incendi ha trasformato parte della Russia in una sorta di girone dantesco, in cui Plutone in Capricorno ci ha prospettato anche il rischio di una nuova contaminazione nucleare, mentre poco dopo il Pakistan, la Cina e l’India venivano devastate da alluvioni apocalittiche, che hanno interessato nel loro complesso qualcosa come 14 milioni di persone. Se a questo aggiungiamo che l’Ariete è il segno dell’esaltazione del Sole, e che siamo all’inizio di un nuovo ciclo di macchie solari, che gli scienziati provide particularly strong, so much to fear total blackout technology I think being able to make predictions of the maximum becomes almost predictable. "

The previous entry of Uranus in Aries dates back to March 31, 1927. About three weeks before that entry, March 7, an earthquake measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale hit the city of Toyooka and Mineyama in Japan, killing 2.925 people. About three weeks after the entry, from April 22 to May 5, there is the most destructive river flood in U.S. history, the Great Flood of Mississippi, which involved 700,000 people.

hope that history is not repeated. However, already in November ends by saying "... the radical changes that will occur not only are preparing, but also due to severe climatic and environmental change."

For those interested in following the activities Solar I entered the right column of the blog a widget that gives real-time information on the status of X-ray emissions from the solar activity and the state of the geomagnetic field. Clicking on the link, you can get more information.

Uranus enters Aries in final tonight at 01.43 local time and we will remain for seven years.


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