The King is dead, long live the King! Le fortune e le disfatte della vita politica di Silvio Berlusconi sembrano essere legate ad alcuni specifici cicli planetari, e precisamente ai cicli Saturno-Plutone, Giove-Saturno e Giove-Plutone.
L’attuale ciclo Saturno-Plutone ha avuto inizio con la congiunzione tra i due pianeti in Bilancia nel 1982, e gli aspetti che vanno dalla quadratura crescente a quella calante sembrano effettivamente abbracciare l’inizio e la probabile fine dell’avventura politica del Premier.
Forza Italia nasce nel gennaio 1994, durante la quadratura growing between Saturn in Aquarius and Pluto in Scorpio.
On May 10, 1994 Berlusconi formed his first government , while Saturn, already entered into Pisces, is in trine to Jupiter in Scorpio.
In June 2001, with the ' opposition between Saturn in Gemini and Pluto in Sagittarius, even when Jupiter is in Gemini, Berlusconi formed his second government .
In April 2005, with the waning quincunx between Saturn in Cancer and Pluto in Sagittarius beginning third Berlusconi government, while the balance is largely Jupiter square Saturn.
In May 2008, with the waning trine between Saturn in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn, fourth part of the Government Berlusconi. Jupiter is also in Capricorn.
With waning square between Saturn in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn this summer we see the political struggle inside the PDL between the party leaders and the President of the Chamber Gianfranco Fini, following which 33 deputies and 10 Senators are politically close to that new parliamentary groups thus exiting from the PDL, which loses absolute majority in the House. Jupiter was in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn opposite in Libra. Obviously this was the beginning of the end.
E 'in this context is also interesting to follow the different stages of the last cycle Jupiter / Pluto , which seems to mark the fate of the People of Freedom and the relationship of its leader with the National Alliance. The junction is formed in Sagittarius on 11 .12.2007.
Shortly before that date, 18.11.2007, Berlusconi announced in Piazza S. Babila in Milan Italy and force the dissolution of the birth of a new political formation, The People of Freedom, which also flows into the National Alliance. At the same time born
anche la Sinistra Arcobaleno .
Col semisestile esatto Giove/Plutone del 13.01.2009 ci sono tensioni nella maggioranza a seguito della posizione della questione di fiducia sul decreto legge anticrisi all’esame alla Camera.
Con la semiquadratura esatta Giove/Plutone del 27.03.2009 si tiene a Roma il congresso di fondazione del nuovo partito, Il Popolo della Libertà, che va a sostituire Forza Italia.
Con il sestile crescente Giove/Plutone del 6 febbraio 2010 Berlusconi respinge le dimissioni sia di Bertolaso sia di Cosentino, entrambi indagati, l’uno per concussione negli appalti per i "Grandi eventi" quali il G8 de L'Aquila e la ricostruzione in Abruzzo post-terremoto e l’altro per collusioni con la cosca camorristica dei "Casalesi".
La prima quadratura crescente Giove/Plutone tra l’Ariete e il Capricorno si è formata il 3 agosto 2010, coincidendo con l’uscita di Fini dal PdL.
Tra poco, il 25 febbraio 2011 , si formerà la seconda e ultima quadratura tra Giove in Ariete e Plutone in Capricorno. Sarà interessante osservare cosa accadrà intorno a questa data. E’ probabile che qualche altra figura di spicco esca dal PdL, marking the beginning of a very troubled period that will highlight other date as that of 28.03.2011, the day will oppose Jupiter in Aries Saturn in Libra, suggesting a change at the summit of power.
archetypal level, Saturn / Cronus and the old king, jealous of his throne, and also very paranoid. It represents a structure existed for a long time, based on the power and aggression.
Cronus became king of the castrating and overthrowing his father Uranus. And because an oracle had said that one day one of his sons would in turn dethroned, to ensure that this new being emerges and takes away the power, Kronos devours his own children just born.
The trouble for him is that one of these sons, Zeus, eludes him. Zeus avoided, in fact, to be devoured by his father with the help of his mother Rea (always women to think of something to put things right), and then hides in a cave, from which comes the very moment when the father is more vulnerable to become the chief of the rebels and overthrow Cronus, then threw him into the underworld.
The last Jupiter / Saturn was formed on the last degrees of Taurus in late May of 2000.
11 May 2000 corruption trial opens against Cesare Previti, Renato Squillante and Felice Rovelli.
The growing square was formed on 12/17/2005 with Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn in Leo.
On December 2, 2005, the Court of Appeal of Milan issued the ruling on appeal, approved after guilty of simple corruption in the EMS process and upheld the conviction of first degree with five years' imprisonment.
In the same period, 19 December 2005 the governor of the Bank of Italy, Antonio Fazio resigned following a scandal.
A first opposition between Jupiter and Saturn was formed May 23, 2010 between the Virgo and Pisces. The night between 27 and 28 Ruby May is stopped by the police and accompanied to the police station.
In addition, during this period several Government ministers and junior ministers resign because Berlusconi IV investigated for illegal (Scajola, Brancher, Cosentino).
The second opposition between Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Libra was formed between 16 and 17 August 2010 and here we are in the middle of the clash between Berlusconi and Fini.
What will happen on March 28 ? I feel that with the passage of the lunar nodes axis Gemini / Sagittarius, there will be from March 3 major new revelations. The entry of Uranus in Aries il 12 marzo non potrà che rendere la situazione ancor più elettrica e volatile. L’opposizione del 28 marzo sembra una prova di forza, che creerà grande confusione perché Marte, che dispone di Giove, si troverà fino al 2 aprile in Pesci.
A questo punto viene da chiedersi cosa mai succederà il 2-3 aprile , con ben 7 pianeti in Ariete, tra cui Marte, Urano e Luna Nera congiunti. Qualcosa esploderà all’improvviso.