Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Fast Is 4 Hp Motor

Penne all'Ariete

When in high school we were often dinner for our birthdays (especially for those 18 years of each component of class) in a restaurant located in a neighboring village in Pontedera: that Ponsacco. I particularly liked this restaurant because they did a good pizza (just fine and crisp as I like it), but above all these lovely pens that were called, giustappunto, from the room.
been years since I've been in that place more ma restano i ricordi di tante belle serate passate tra amici e a mangiare tante buone cosine...
Ho sempre cercato, in tutti questi anni, di riprovare a fare quella salsina così buona senza però mai riuscirci veramente...quando veniva poco saporita, quando il pomodoro rimaneva più acquoso, quando c'era troppa panna...insomma non sono mai riuscito a farla come la volevo io: ovvero con quel retrogusto piccante e dolciastro dove si sente il sapore del fungo e del pomodoro, il tutto in una cremina che avvolge la penna in modo sublime.
Solo lunedì mattina, preso da ispirazione, ho ritentato: ho messo il burro invece dell'olio e ho soffritto gli champignon in esso e, con qualche altro piccolo accorgimento, ho finalmente ricreato la salsa così come la ricordavo.

Ingredienti per 4 persone:

-  260 gr di penne liscie
-  5 bei funghi champignon
-  3 pomodori maturi
-  un ciuffo di prezzemolo
-  un cucchiaino di concentrato di pomodoro
-  2 cucchiai di panna liquida
-  burro q.b.
-  mezzo peperoncino

Si puliscono i funghi champignon e con la mandolina si affettano alla julienne; si mettono in a large sauteuse with butter and brown for a few minutes by adding fresh ground pepper and chili half broken in two.

Meanwhile peel the tomatoes into small pieces and make small, add to the mushrooms and cook the sauce adding a teaspoon of tomato paste until the water generated from the tomatoes is not enough to withdraw (I suggest you try a mushroom: if it seems perfectly cooked I would say that the sauce is almost ready, if he were still a bit raw you add a little water and continue cooking).

You add the finely chopped parsley and add salt and cook for a few more minutes on low heat (the important thing is that the sauce does not withdraw too much ... if this happens finish cooking by adding still a little water as mentioned above).

You add two spoonfuls of cream, turn right so as to mix and dissolve the cream in the sauce for a minute and it extinguishes the fire.

to cook pasta in salted water and, once drained, add to sauce, stirring well and sprinkle with additional freshly ground pepper. We Serve and serve at the table still steaming.

amiciiii Enjoy your meal and the next ricettuzzaaaaa :-))))))
Bye Bye


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