Giove e Saturno rappresentano le due funzioni che regolano le relazioni del singolo con la collettività.
Giove ci spinge a cooperare sulla spinta delle nostre aspirazioni, Saturno a partire dal nostro bisogno di sicurezza.
Entrambi sono collegati alla legge e al diritto. Giove risponde più al nostro concetto di diritto naturale, cioè quell’insieme di norme a cui l’essere umano è assoggettato in virtù della sua appartenenza al mondo naturale; Saturno corrisponde invece al diritto positivo, cioè quell’insieme di norme fissate dall’uomo stesso allo scopo di dare un ordinamento razionale e certo alla società.
The opposition of Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Libra, which will be formed on March 28, represents a conflict between those two conceptions of law.
E 'a contrast between the fundamental rights of the individual and the rights and duties governing the relationship between rulers and ruled on the basis of the social contract.
It 's interesting to note that when it was approved the Declaration on the Rights of Man and Citizen August 26, 1789, Jupiter and Uranus were conjunct in Leo, and at the same time opposed to Pluto, while when he signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights December 10, 1948, Jupiter was conjunct Mars in Capricorn at the same time and in trine to Saturn in Libra.
Jupiter from the ram is pursuing its claims in part taking the shape of Mars, that is, combining strength and wisdom, optimism and action, but also fanaticism and violence. From March 12 will also Uranus to stir up controversy, feeding out of all proportion to the need for freedom and change.
If I had to choose which of the two contenders to bet, I would choose the pair Jupiter / Uranus - has much more chance of succeeding than Saturn in Libra, although there is always a part of my mind continues to wonder what might be the hidden agenda of Plutone in Capricorno.
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