Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vaccination Records Ontario

the balance

Le energie in cielo stanno cambiando e si vede. Il Cancro, ossia le donne e i valori del femminile, stanno finalmente reagendo alla pressione di Plutone in Capricorno, assumendo il ruolo di ago della bilancia del cambiamento.

Ieri Concita De Gregorio ha scritto su L’Unità: “Le donne italiane sono state capaci di fare quello che da anni, da molti anni non avevamo visto accadere. È vero, dunque: hanno battuto un colpo. Adesso. Che sia la prima beat of music. "

I would repeat the action in this regard the observations of Pluto in Capricorn and its impact on cancer presented in the report that exposure of the conference in Rome in 2012 Stargate , The dawn of a new era in March 2007 and then at the Art of Astrology Congress CIDA held in Rome in October 2008.

"Pluto is the power, and Capricorn is the apex of power, and given the covert nature of the planet, even at what they commonly referred to as the" Shadow Government ".
may, in fact, bring out the contents of this Shadow collective humanity in relation to issues such as authority and authoritarianism, the State and social status, the Machiavellian concept of power that the end justifies always the means, the mentality purely patriarchal, sexist and sexual phobia, despotism, the tendency to uncontrolled exploitation of subsoil resources, and our purely materialistic view of life.

However, if we know will give us a positive advantage in a more realistic perception of what are our deepest resources and hidden, a clear senso della realtà, la capacità di economizzare in modo giustamente parsimonioso le risorse, e notevoli capacità organizzative e direttive basate su una visione estremamente lucida e realistica della situazione.

Una delle caratteristiche della modalità di azione di questo pianeta consiste nel portare tutto ciò che non è autenticamente sano ad un cedimento strutturale, che matura molto lentamente all’interno della struttura a causa delle tossine e dell’energia negativa che essa stessa ha accumulato, anche se inizialmente continua ad apparire efficiente.

Attraverso una pressione costante che spinge dal basso e dall’interno, Plutone ispira inizialmente the conviction that we can have absolute power until the structure does not collapse by itself because of its own degeneration, which eventually are revealed in all their destructiveness.

The ultimate goal of this planet is, in fact, in bringing to light those unredeemed shares still hidden in the depths of personal and collective psyche, so that they can be recognized and processed.

Pluto teaches us, in fact, that the power to create and destroy is not the prerogative of the ego, but a faculty which we may belong, as we participate in the creative design of that All from which we emerged, and that We can use this power, without which there will backfire against, only to the extent that the channeling and for non-selfish in keeping with the creative Source.

Pluto is not, therefore, only a symbol of death and destruction, but also of rebirth, but what is reborn from the ashes of Pluto will be something very different from the previous structure, based on how healthy it was present in and how much of it was possible to transmute negative into positive, and in any case this will be accompanied by the painful awareness of loss, which is primarily a loss of innocence in favor of a more lively sense of the existence and Shadow content.

Another apparently less significant, but the showdown will make a difference, is the blank space to the early degrees of the sign of Cancer.

The sign opposite to that in which the planet passes through the focal square in T * (Pluto in Capricorn) is, in fact, the missing element and talks about the area where we feel most vulnerable and insecure.

Cancer is associated with feminine values \u200b\u200band the moon, and then to women, motherhood, childhood, children, home, family, home, the masses, the people, fresh water sources, lakes and rivers, sensitivity, gentleness, hospitality, sense of rootedness in the process of becoming, the values \u200b\u200bof the soul, and the church as the Mother Church (while the opposite sign Capricorn is associated with leaders of the church structure).

These will then be the issues where we feel most vulnerable, who may fail or be affected more severely, but we also speak of the qualities that must be developed, and that can only properly be developed using the focal planet, expressing it in a constructive manner in keeping with the sign of the gap. If not, Pluto Capricorn seat of the powers that be, will act as a dictator who wants to rule on Saturn (in Libra , seat of judiciary) and Uranus ( soon in Aries, the seat of power of self-determination of the individual ), who with their pressure to provide energy, frustration and tension of such energy sources can, in fact, at certain times Pluto's push to break free and express themselves in an obsessive way, uncontrolled, often at the expense of the values \u200b\u200bof Cancer.

If not too shabby emerge from this period, you will still thanks to the ability to strike a balance between a rigid global Empire and a more flexible network of local communities, tra i vertici del potere e la gente comune , tra un potere al maschile e un potere al femminile , tra natalità e denatalità, e tra un pianeta sterile che non dà più frutti e una Madre Terra ancora in grado di offrirci accoglienza e nutrimento.

In sostanza, la nostra capacità di integrare nel modello i valori del femminile , e in particolare del femminile aquariano, sarà l’ago della bilancia che indicherà le nostre probabilità di entrare nella Nuova Era in linea o meno con il nuovo spirito del tempo.”

* Il quadrato a T è una configurazione planetaria in cui due pianeti in opposizione, cioè posti a 180° l'uno dall'altro, sono entrambi contemporaneamente quadrati, cioè posti a 90°, ad un terzo pianeta che viene così a costituire il vertice di un triangolo. Questo terzo pianeta posto al vertice del triangolo viene detto "pianeta focale".

Link all’articolo di Concita De Gregorio:


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