Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Walked In On My Sister Mastrabating

In April and May 2011, many planets in Aries

From early April 2011 will come in different planets Aries, cardinal fire sign.
Impress astral configuration that is to emerge, in which many will have planets in that sign with Saturn in opposition, "the stone", "block" as if a force of fire was opposed to this rock to this "freeze" ...
Aries, cardinal fire sign and therefore holds the earthquakes as well as Cardinal explosions, volcanic eruptions , these being related to the release of energy of "Fire." The same
Raffaele Bendandi predicted for the May 11, 2011 a strong earthquake. That day vi saranno nel cielo Mercurio, Venere, Giove congiunti in Ariete, Sole e Luna e Nettuno, in cattivo aspetto Quadratura.

Città sotto il segno di Ariete: Firenze, Napoli , Padova, Verona, Cracovia, Berlino, Saragozza, Marsiglia e ancora la Germania, l'India e la Svizzera.
Sotto il segno di Bilancia Austria e Scandinavia.

Lo sconquasso che può venirsi a creare non è detto che sia di natura fisica, anzi si spera assolutamente che non lo sia, che non avvenga un terremoto o un'eruzione, potrebbe avvenire su un diverso piano, ad esempio finanziario, psichico, ecc. Oppure bellico, perchè l'Ariete con Marte regge anche la guerra, purtroppo.

For example, let's not forget the meanings of the sign of Aries, for example, reported on the text of Antares "Practical Handbook of Astrology" :
  • E 'in relation to the war, weapons, blood, violence, the explosions, injury to the head, risky businesses, to red, to accidents.
  • expresses the attributes of courage, passion, courage, exploration, fast-acting, effects, energy, enthusiasm, ambition.
  • Regge impulsivity, inflammatory, violent, tyranny, anger, pride, and pride.
  • E 'in relation to the innovators, the leaders, pioneers, explorers, the military, the leaders of revolutionary movements and independent.
The reports of the riots of people in different countries, with the astral current positions, with planets that are arranged in Aries (March 2011), are reflected with the traditional meaning of the planets in that sign and logically, even entering more planets in a sign that world events are expected to have intensified.

critical days I would be numerous to list, in summary from April 3 to May 15 there are many critical days. Just open any program analysis and understand the astrological aspects that are to emerge. Also, if methods are known to us should be applied Other systems: revolutions and directions.

suggest that you also read this post "A satellite reveals an incredible increase in ULF before the earthquake of Haiti" .


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